The Solano Subbasin GSP Approved
The Department of Water Resources formally approved the Solano Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan in January 2024. DWR’s formal determination is available here.
The full GSP and all associated materials can be accessed at the Solano Subbasin Website.
The South American Subbasin GSP Approved
The Department of Water Resources formally approved the South American Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan in July 2023. DWR’s determination letter is available here.
The full GSP and all associated materials can be accessed at the South American Subbasin Website.
On December 13, 2021 the NDGSA held a public hearing and Board of Directors meeting to consider the proposed Groundwater Sustainability Plans for the Solano and South American Subbasins. Following a presentation by staff and an opportunity for public comment and question, the NDGSA Board of Directors formally adopted the GSPs for both the Solano and South American Subbasins.
The South American Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan is available here.
The Solano Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan is available here. / El Plan del Manejo Sostenible de Aguas Subterráneas en la Cuenca de Solano.
The Solano Subbasin Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan Available for Review
Comments Due by November 15, 2021
If you live in the Solano Subbasin comment today on the Draft GSP, your voice is essential. The Solano Collaborative has released the Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for the Solano Subbasin for a 30-day public review and comment period. This is your opportunity to provide comments, questions and concerns on the Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan before it is submitted to the Department of Water Resources.
November 9, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm PST
Solano Subbasin Virtual Town Hall
What: Solano GSP Virtual Town Hall / Junta Virtual del Plan GSP de Solano
Updates on the draft Solano Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan. / Escuchar novedades sobre el borrador Plan del Manejo Sostenible para Aguas Subterráneas en la Cuenca de Solano (el Plan GSP, por sus siglas en inglés).
Meeting Summary – Solano GSP Virtual Town Hall
English Recording – GSP Virtual Town Hall
Click here to view the agenda/Haga clic aquí para ver la agenda.
August 25, 2021, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm PST
Solano Subbasin Virtual Town Hall
What: Solano GSP Virtual Town Hall / Junta Virtual del Plan GSP de Solano
Updates on the Solano Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan. / Escuchar novedades sobre el Plan del Manejo Sostenible para Aguas Subterráneas en la Cuenca de Solano (el Plan GSP, por sus siglas en inglés).
Meeting Summary – Solano GSP Virtual Town Hall
English Recording – GSP Virtual Town Hall
Grabación en Español– Junta Comunitario Virtual de la Subcuenca de Solano
June 1, 2021, 4 pm – 6 pm PST
Community Advisory Committee Meeting
The Solano GSA Collaborative formed a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) comprised of community leaders from diverse sectors, communities, and geographical locations in the Solano Subbasin to provide review for specific sections or concepts in the GSP. GSP Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public for observation, and include time at the end for public comments.
November 19, 2020
Opportunity to Comment on the Draft Solano Subbasin GSP
Section 1 of the Draft Solano Subbasin GSP is now available for public review and comment. The Solano Subbasin Collaborative is currently seeking input from members of the public on the draft of Section 1 of the GSP. Comments will be accepted through December 18, 2020.
The draft is available for review and comment here:
November 10, 2020
Participate in the Groundwater Sustainability Planning Process
The Northern Delta GSA is one of six Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) in the South American Groundwater Subbasin (SASb) working to develop a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).
The Northern Delta GSA is also a member of the Solano Subbasin GSA Collaborative (Solano Collaborative), which is working towards development of a single GSP for the Solano Subbasin.
Learn more about how you can participate in protecting our shared resource, such as signing up for emails and attending meetings:
South American Groundwater Subbasin
Solano Collaborative
March 1, 2019
NDGSA Progress & Next Steps
Since 2015, local planning efforts have been underway to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and retain local control of northern Delta groundwater resources.
Assisted with formation of 19 Groundwater Sustainability Agencies in the Delta (2016-2017).
Formed Joint Powers Authority (JPA) with 17 member agencies.
Formed Board and Steering Committee.
Adopted bylaws and other governance documents.
Held Proposition 218 election in summer 2018.
Developed request for basin boundary modification.
Held public meetings to educate and engage the local communities about SGMA.
Developed NDGSA website.
Coordinated with surrounding Subbasin Planning efforts.
Collected fees from all member agencies in three counties in 2018/2019 to continue community engagement and representation.
Received high level of support from local water agencies within NDGSA boundary for basin boundary modification request.
Continue coordination with Subbasin Planning processes that overlie the NDGSA.
Contribute in-kind to development of Groundwater Sustainability Plans.
Develop NDGSA policies and procedures to responsibly steward local groundwater resources with guidance from local communities.
Continue to pursue grant funding to support NDGSA activities.
Ensure that the unique groundwater conditions in the Delta are sustainably managed.
Gather information to support future creation of a Delta subbasin.
September 21, 2018
Update on NDGSA Proposition 218 Fee Process
On July 27, 2018 the Northern Delta Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NDGSA) held a public hearing to solicit feedback about a proposal to levy property-based fees. The hearing had a good turnout, with several dozen stakeholders offering a variety of comments and questions.
This hearing marked the culmination of nearly a year of work to create a source of funding for local groundwater sustainability efforts. Following the conclusion of the public hearing, at its regular Board meeting, the NDGSA Board of Directors met to further discuss the funding options. After a robust discussion, the Board of Directors voted in favor of adopting a property-based fee of $2.77 per acre for the 2018 fiscal year, and directed staff to convey that decision to the Counties for collection purposes. Although the Board of Directors had the option of adopting fees up to $3.00 per acre for the next five years, the Board Members only made a decision for fiscal year 2018-2019.
This approach provides the Board with flexibility to adopt property-based fees in the future that are lower than the amount identified in the Cost of Service Report. If additional sources of funding, such as grants are secured, the Board of Directors has repeatedly emphasized its intention to only impose the minimum property-based fees that are necessary to fund required NDGSA activities. The NDGSA remains committed to serving the interests of the Delta communities, and ensuring that important local groundwater decisions remain in local hands. The recent financing decision provides the Agency with the resources necessary to carry out that commitment.
July 23, 2018
Update on NDGSA Proposition 218 Fee Process
Your local groundwater agency, the NDGSA, made up of representatives of local water management agencies, will consider adoption of an assessment to protect your groundwater, as required by the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) on July 27, 2018.
Over the past two and a half years, 17 local Delta agencies have come together to comply with SGMA in a way that works for the Delta’s residents. The NDGSA effort includes islands with similar ag land uses and similar groundwater characteristics. By grouping like areas together, the NDGSA streamlines SGMA compliance and minimizes the northern Delta’s obligations to address challenging overdraft and contamination conditions in the surrounding region.
Local representation on the NDGSA will make sure that member agencies get the best value and future benefit from collected fees. NDGSA will cooperate with the other larger efforts in the surrounding counties, but the NDGSA is able to meet local needs more efficiently. While the counties could be good groundwater planning neighbors, they do not have the capacity or the will to fight for unique Delta interests.
For those attempting to compare NDGSA’s estimated costs, it is important to remember that it is not just the fee a groundwater agency charges (all SGMA efforts will charge fees eventually, all of the local counties have explained this), but also the level of effort required to make sure a particular agency/island’s interest are protected. By having a locally led effort and sticking with neighbors with similar concerns and conditions, the planning and compliance process will be simplified. Part of the NDGSA fees will go toward the required collaboration with surrounding subbasins, so your member agencies will not need to hire their own representatives to attend those meetings. Each NDGSA member agency simply needs to send its representative(s) to the NDGSA meeting, which is planned to be twice per year.
SGMA is a complex set of laws, and most people don’t really understand why groundwater management is needed in the Delta. No one likes conflict over fees in their community, but reasonable people can disagree and the NDGSA local groundwater planning effort can still move forward. The state made the new groundwater requirements, not the NDGSA, and we are working together to protect future Delta interests by having local control over groundwater.
Please support the NDGSA groundwater planning effort, and let your neighbors know, too!