UPDATE: On September 5, 2024, the Governor issued Executive Order N-3-24, which terminated the well permitting requirements imposed by EOs N-7-22 and N-3-23. Therefore, verification from the NDGSA that a proposed well is consistent with the Groundwater Sustainability plan is no longer required.
On March 28, 2022 Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-7-22. This Executive Order extended the existing drought declaration and created new requirements for issuing groundwater well permits. Specifically, paragraph 9(a) of the Executive Order requires that the relevant permitting authority obtain written verification from the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) managing the area before approving permits to construct new groundwater wells or alter existing wells. The GSA’s written verification confirms that the proposed groundwater well “would not be inconsistent with any sustainable groundwater management program … and would not decrease the likelihood of achieving a sustainability goal.” This Executive Order applies to the Solano Subbasin and the South American Subbasin. This Executive Order was later modified by Executive Order N-3-23 to add an exception for replacement wells.
Solano Subbasin Resolution to comply with Executive Order N-7-22 regarding groundwater well permits.
South American Subbasin Resolution to comply with Executive Order N-7-22 regarding groundwater well permits.
To implement this requirement, the NDGSA has developed a process for groundwater well applicants to request such a verification in both the Solano Subbasin and the South American Subbasin:
1) Potential applicants should first confirm that the proposed new or altered groundwater well is located within the NDGSA’s jurisdiction using the SGMA Portal’s Interactive GSA Map.
2) Applicants should then complete the Verification Form (click the link below) and submit it to the NDGSA along with payment and a copy of the completed County Well Permit Application. The completed form, application and payment should be mailed to the NDGSA at the address below.
3) To expedite the process, applicants are encouraged to email copies of the form and application to NorthernDeltaGSA@gmail.com, although the final verification will not be issued until payment is received.
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